Our Vision
Nurture for Today
Learning for Tomorrow
Character for Eternity
We aspire to treat all people in our school community as Christ treated those when he was on Earth and to foster opportunities for students to develop a spirit of giving within the community.
We strive to enable all students to thrive in their experience of learning, preparing them for the changing workplace of tomorrow.
Above all we seek to provide a holistic education grounded in the compassion and teachings of Jesus Christ giving students the opportunity to choose to live abundantly in Him.
Our Mission
Educating for a life of faith and service to God and humanity in a Christian environment.
The practical implication of this Mission in our College is seen in the identification of the needs of students and staff, and how those needs are met.
New students are welcomed into our College with its warm, caring environment. They can feel secure and safe.
Practical Christianity is emphasized at the College. Staff and students are encouraged to exemplify Jesus Christ in their interactions with other members of the College community.
Each student is unique and his/her positive contribution to the College is highly valued. The young people attending our College is provided with many opportunities for self-development.
Student academic development is promoted in our College. Blue Hills College has a commendable record in external examinations. Dedicated staff effort, a high standard of facilities, close personal friendships and a sense of belonging, all help foster feelings of positive self-worth within the student that, in turn, translates into a desire to achieve. Students leave our College with a sense of purpose, a desire to better themselves, and recognition of their responsibility to the wider community.
Our Values
Our vision is for each student to: "Achieve personal educational excellence, accept individual responsibility, and adopt Christian values".
Blue Hills College is a caring school community that spiritually and academically equips, challenges, and inspires students to make a difference. Our rural campus, situated on the edge of the Alstonville Plateau on the Lismore district, offers increased opportunities by providing relevant learning environments for students from Pre-Kindy to Year 12.
Our Approach
Blue Hills College (BHC) adopts a holistic approach to education which encompasses the development of the spiritual, intellectual, social, physical, and aesthetic dimensions of each student.
Our general objectives are designed to guide students towards developing of their full potential, and in doing so, supporting them to achieve success in reaching their personal goals.